Until Death Do Us Part

…If we would consider the contemporary moment as a complex process of perpetual change caused by Coronavirus, we would have noticed a variety of problems that have become more complex over time. Sanja Latinovic analyzes the current human state as being threatened in the midst of these processes, not only physically but psychologically. Everyday media transmits fear through alarming news and it seems as if the end is not in sight. We are conscious of the fact that we have to keep our distance from each other. Sanja problematizes the notion of distance, space between people, space that has been circumscribed by different rules and regulations in different times and cultures. The distance has been imposed on all of us now. By creating special tools, the artist demands from her audience to keep that space while attending the exhibition. “That distance is the one that makes us conscious of the presence of the other, not the one that separates and deepens the fear that we already have” – the quote from the artist who expresses her concern that the menkind may be heading toward total alienation. Sanja thematizes fear and simultaneously points at the importance of caring about the other,  of entwinement and togetherness. The concept of her work includes the movement of the audience members in pairs, with specially created objects-tools. Performance has been documented by the camera placed above the heads of participants who are creating the drawing of oscillating lines in the exhibition space.

Writen by: Sanja Kojic Mladenov, 2021