Treading the Boards

Series of photographs

“…The associativity and accumulation of details, the new reading of platitudes, genre and canon from the history of arts is carried out in the photographs of Sanja Latinović. In Treading the boards and My swimmers it is obvious that the emphasis is put on the function of the costumes which are in tandem with the unexpected mise en scene, thus the spatial situation seems “inadequate“ for the given interpreted narratives. By this, Sanja disrupts the prosaicism of historical emblems, bringing about the change of the representative paradigm of the picture in favour of our possibility to observe the known from a different angle. On the other hand, although the photographs function in the sphere of intimacy (in their visual presentation), they still tell the story which is far from the standard artist’s studio – the supposed place of creativity. “

Taken from the text for the curator exhibition of Jelena Veljković “Žensko pismo“, Remont Gallery, 2010


„…Asocijativnost i akumuliranje detalja, novo čitanje floskula, žanra i kanona iz istorije umetnosti sprovedeno je na fotografijama Sanje Latinović. U Daskama koje život znače i Kupačice moje, očigledno je insistiranje na funkciji kostima koji su u sprezi sa neočekivanim mizanscenom, čime se prostorna situacija čini ’’neadekvatnom’’ za date interpretirane narative.

Ovim Sanja remeti prozaičnost istorijiskih amblema, dovodeći do promene reprezentativne paradigme slike u korist mogućnosti da poznato iščitavamo iz drugog ugla. Sa druge strane, iako fotografije deluju u sferi intimnog (u svojoj vizuelnoj prezentaciji), one pričaju priču koja je daleko od ustaljenog ateljea umetnika- pretpostavljenog mesta kreativnosti.“

Iz teksta kustoske izložbe Jelene Veljković „ Žensko pismo“, Remont galerija 2010