The Bird

Video work, 4’

The video recording of the performance called The Bird represents a new stage in the formal, media reasearch and consideration of the aspects of communication, interraction, synergy in the context of collective existence, work and action. The four-minute-long video documents the quiet meeting of the two artists which is occasionally disrupted by the short, uncomfortable attempts of the bird to fly away. This is not possible, however, because the bird is tied to the skin of the artist’s arm by a very thin chain. The bird becomes the third, and the most important, participant in the definition of the course of action of the scene which culminates in one, tentatively said, moment of verbal communication between the artists, i.e. Sanja’s whispering to Ranko. Equally led by the controlled and the uncontrolled movement of the bird, the silent dialogue of the artists is conducted through the opennes and spontaneity of their reactions in the given situation. Determining the tone of what is at the moment formed as a process of exchange between Sanja and Ranko, the presence of the bird, in fact, personifies not only the nature of an already formed relationship, but also the complexity the human relations can assume. Those relations are shaped and realised in all those visible and invisible flows and shapes of mutuality, immediacy, closeness, manipulation, in the tensions, flexibility, in the verbalised and the suppressed. The symbolic frame of the action is additionally emphasized by the very choice of the bird, the starling, the species characterised by the pronounced sociability and the ability to mimic and vocalise complex sounds. In that context, the myriad of further possible associations and connotations of this performance is opened towards the topics and issues of the dynamics of social space and the implied values of dialogue, empathy, trust and the spirit of togetherness.


Written by: Miroslav Karić

Video rad, 4‘

Video zapis performansa pod nazivom, “Ptica” nova je etapa u formalnim, medijskim istraživanjima i promišljanjima aspekata komunikacije, interakcije, sinergije u kontekstu kolektivnog egzistiranja, rada i delovanja. Četvorominutni video beleži prizor tihog susreta dvoje umetnika koji povremeno remete kratki nelagodni pokušaji uzleta ptice vezane tankim lancem za kožu umetničine ruke. Kao treći, ptica postaje i ključni akter u definisanju događajnog toka scene koja kulminira jedinim, uslovnorečeno, momentom verbalne komunikacije među umetnicima to jest Sanjinim šapatom koji upućuje Ranku. Vođen koliko kontrolisanim toliko i nepredvidljivim kretanjima ptice nemi dijalog umetnika se odvija kroz otvorenost i spontanost njihovih reakcija u datoj situaciji. Određujući ton onoga što se trenutno uspostavlja kao proces razmene izmedju Sanje i Ranka, prisustvo ptice zapravo snažno personifikuje ne samo prirodu jednog već izgrađenog odnosa, nego i kompleksnost koju međuljudske relacije mogu da nose. A one se oblikuju i odigravaju u svim onim vidljivim i nevidljivim tokovima i oblicima uzajamnosti, neposrednosti, povezanosti, manipulacije, u tenzijama, fleksibilnosti, u izgovorenom i prećutanom. Simbolički okvir događanja dodatno je naglašen samim izborom ptice čvorak, vrste karakteristične po izraženoj društvenosti i sposobnosti različite podražavajuće i kompleksne vokalizacije. U tom kontekstu mreža daljih mogućih asocijacija i konotacija ovog performansa otvara se ka temama i pitanjima dinamike socijalnog prostora i njemu implicirajućih vrednosti dijaloga, empatije, poverenja i duha zajedništva.


Tekst pisao Miroslav Karic